Monday, March 29, 2010

Some pics from recent reading events

Here are a few reading pictures. First, from samedi le 27 mars, à 19h30, à l'invitation de Christophe Marchand-Kiss pour sa résidence de poésie : K Barré #5 lectures de Jennifer K. Dick, Alain Robinet, Ritta baddoura & Christophe Marchand-Kiss Aux Chiffons, (90 rue Marcadet, 75018 Paris, M° 4 – Marcadet-Poissonniers & 12 – Jules Joffrin)

Here (below) Anne Kawala and I are reading the originals and the translations by Christophe Marchand-Kiss (seen behind Anne) of some of the Orpheus-Eurydice poems (currently titled Be(twixt), but we will see). It was so touching for me to hear my work carried into French on this exciting level. Christophe is a very very talented translator as well as poet, and Anne really did the work--which is not easily read aloud--justice with her awesome reading! (what can I say, they spoiled me!)

Here is a photo of Ritta Badoura standing on the bench at the bar Aux Chiffons 90 rue Marcadet, 75018 reading from her long, exciting text (she read an as-of-yet unpublished piece which left me glued to my seat! Having only seen her perform last summer at Lodève on one occasion, this opportunity not only to hear her again, but to read alongside her and then to meet over dinner and get to speak to her even more was thrilling--perhaps the beginning of a friendship? One can hope. Regardless, I advise everyone to go and check out her writings--she just signed a new book at the Salon du Livre last Sunday.)

In this image, Christophe-Marchand Kiss performs one of his own pieces for the pleasure of the audience--including, at the left, Ritta Baddoura and Jonathan Regier. The evening was in fact organized by CMK as part of his monthly reading series Kbarré. Poet-performers, their friends, passersby and other authors come together on Saturday evenings once a month in this charming local bar in the 18th to hear and share work for an hour or so, then hang out and converse with the authors and friends, or make new friends! The next one is April 17th 2010, same place, same time (19h30, Aux Chiffons, 90 rue Marcadet, 75018!)

Then this next set of pics is from the night before, vendredi le 26 mars, à 18h30, à la Galérie Evi Gougenheim
(14 rue Coëtlogon (angle 5 rue d'Assas) 75006 PARIS, RER Luxembourg), Tel 01 45 44 65 49 - e.mail pour la parution en 2009 du livre trilingue d’art et de poésie « Ondulations » (éditions Aenis) : peintures de Georgio Fidone (plasticien italien), et poèmes de Jennifer K Dick (américaine), Jacques de Longeville (français) et Susana Sulic (argentine)
In these two pictures, Jacques de Longeville and I read some of my work in English and French, from a new series just translated and from Retina/Rétine. This said, we were there in honor of the book Ondulations, including a poem which parallels the style of writing in Retina.

In this photo, Giorgio Fidone looks on as we all read selections from Ondulations and other works.

Here Susana Sulic reads/performs her text from Ondulations with her daughter--who is reading the French version. The pleasure of hearing the Argentinian Spanish, of giggling at the symbol readings--as Susana held up the images and pointed to them, at time accompanying them with a vocal version of a translation, at other times shrugging and pointing, thus indicating the difficulty of translating the symbol, of bringing the visual to sound.

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