Past readings and conference presentations:
THE PAST: a non-exhaustive archive
Sept 2022: read at the Tears in the Fence Poetry Festival, Stourpaine, Dorsett, UK
July 1st--PANEL TALK 4pm-6pm: to close this fabulous week on writing in Paris. Please join us for this conversation on WRITING IN PARIS: MIGRATION AND THE ARTS with CRAIG CARLSON, JENNIFER K DICK, MATT JONES and JAKE LAMAR, moderated by KATHLEEN CHURCHILL. Open to the public, but REGISTRATION REQUIRED via the WICE PWW website.
June 30th--6pm: WICE Paris Writers’ Workshop Faculty & Student Reading at Red Wheelbarrow with Jennifer K Dick (poetry), Lauren Groff (novel), Alecia McKenzie (short story) & Jeffrey Greene (creative nonfiction). These faculty members will be reading at 6pm Thursday the 30th of June and presenting some of their PWW participant workshoppers who will share work, too!
June 27th 2022 start for the week: . Paris Writer's Workshop Poetry Master Class (+ hybrid) writing instructor. Information and Sign up at WICE Paris's site!
June 4th 2022: Performance au CIPM pour « BIOGRAPHIES D’OBJETS », Marseille. I was present to celebrate the publication of my text "Les portes de la ville" in the catelogue and posted in the expo as the "cartel" for "Scraping the surface" by visual artist John Kindness. I read my own work and that of the dozen or so other athors as part of this performance evening. Vieille Charité, Marseille, France.Writing Craft Talk: Collage Technique in Poetry: Bridging Languages and Cultures with Jennifer K. Dick and Geoffrey Nutter for Paris Writing Workshop Weekend 2021t : https://wice-paris.org/event-4281843
June 5th: Spoke as part of the launch for Cole Swensen’s Nightboat Books volume new work Art In Time., presenting Swensen’s art critical-poetry essay style. I later posted a version of his introduction on my blog in order to continue sharing my excitement and support of Cole's book: http://jenniferkdick.blogspot.com/2021/08/art-in-time-by-cole-swensen-presented.html
June 3rd 2021 : online writing WORKSHOP For « Dive In » : writing: recycling and recyclages" A generative, open-genre workshop offered by Jennifer K Dick and Lisa Pasold. The workshop was livestreamed and may still exist out there in Youtubeland.2019:
18 Nov2019: 16h. Brussels, Belgium: "POETRY IN PERFORMANCE" a reading and talk by Lisa Samuels and Jennifer K Dick at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) University in the Pilar Huis Voor Kunst.
8 Nov 2019: talk in French by Jennifer K Dick on Craig Santos Perez's Lukao as part of the Université de Lyon International conference Le Dépaysement, Colloque international organisé par le laboratoire LCE, Université Lumière – Lyon 2. Organisers Pascale Tollance, Victoria Famin, Fabrice Malkani, and Axel Nesme. Publication forthcoming in 2020. Title of talk: "Dépaysement : le cas de from Unincorporated Territory [Lukao] par Craig Santos Perez"
12 Oct 2019 à 18h: Soirée HOMMAGE AU POETE JACQUES SIVAN: lancement et présentation du dernier ouvrage de Jacques Sivan. With readings of Sivan's texts and texts dedicated to Jacques Sivan by Vannina Maestri, Jean-Michel Espitallier and Jennifer K Dick alongside publisher Laurent Cauwet. At Bibliothèque Marguerite Audoux 10 rue Portefoin, 75003 Paris. FULL INFO Click HERE
8 Sept: 17h30 Launch reading for LILITH: A Novel in Fragments (Corrupt Press). The books go on sale at the reading, then become available for online sales directly at CORRUPT that night. AT: The Red Wheelbarrow, 9 rue de Médicis, 75006 Paris.
20 Sept 2019: 20h Soirée Ecrire l'Art. The GREAT launch of the 10 year anniversary volume DOSSIER DES OUVRAGES EXECUTES (éditions la Kunsthalle Mulhouse, distribué par les presses du reel, 2019) from the Ecrire l'Art residency which I co-direct with the art center's director, Sandrine Wymann. Including our preface, this book designed by graphic artist Jérôme Saint-Loubert Bié brings together works by 21 authors in ways that visually and textually leave a trace of the time spent and the language which emerged during their brief stays in Mulhouse, immersed, each one, in one of the exhibitions at the Kunsthalle art space. This evening will include presentations of films made of 5 of the authors and their texts, readings by Frédéric Forté, Mickaël Batalla, Frank Smith and Eric Suchère and a reading by the new Ecrire l'Art, mode 2, resident Laura Vasquez, coming to Mulhouse from Marseille. Where? La Kunsthalle, top floor, La Fonderie, 16 rue de la Fonderie, Mulhouse, France. FB event site: https://www.facebook.com/events/726731531120519/
FALL 2017 events:
22 October 2017: DENVER, Colorado USA, read for Travis Cebula's Ham on Rye Reading Series at the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema Sloan's Lake, 4255 Colfax Ave, Denver Co.
24 October 2017: 12-2:30pm BOULDER, Colorado, USA--Guest spoke on poetry and science for a Master Class on The Experiment with Naropa University graduate students. Nalanda Campus of Naropa University.
24 October 2017: 7pm-9pm. BOULDER, Colorado, USA--read for the "What Where Series" at Naropa University in the Nalanda Events Center.
8-10 November 2017: MULHOUSE, France. Co-organized the Poetry in Expanded Translation II: international conference with talks, performances and visual presentations by critics, translators, poets and artists. La traduction étendue II : traduction intersémiotique entre texte et image // Poetry in Expanded Translation II: Text and Visual Transposition: Colloque international et multidisciplinaire sur les modes de traduction entre texte et image (techniques, théories et réception) en littérature (poésie et textes hybrides) et arts visuels Université de Haute-Alsace, Mulhouse, France co-organized with a grant from the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the UK, UHA, ILLE, the SUAC of UHA, La Kunsthalle Mulhouse, the Bibloithèque Munincipale of Mulhouse and Bangor University. Full information and the programme will soon appear on our website: http://expanded-translation.bangor.ac.uk/ and our blog: http://expandedtranslation.blogspot.fr/?view=mosaic
3 December 2017: 7:30pm PARIS, France. Read as part of the American Poets in Paris series co-organized by Berkeley Books of Paris and the Academy of American Poets based in New York. There will be four readers this fall (Cole Swensen on Oct 7th, Fork Burke on Oct 8th, Daniel Woody Nov 18th and then Jennifer K Dick on Dec 3rd). To read about the concept see: https://www.poets.org/poetsorg/stanza/presenting-american-poets-paris at Berkeley Books, 8 rue Casimir Delavigne, 75006 Paris M° Odéon.
28 février 2017: Jennifer K Dick gave the talk « Circuits, CERN et l’imaginaire scientifique : de l’observation à la création en poésie contemporaine » at the journée d'études: « La microbiologie dans les pratiques artistiques contemporaines ». Présentations et réactions de François-Joseph Lapointe (Université de Montréal), Jennifer K. Dick (Université de Haute Alsace), Eric Bapteste (CNRS), Catherine Larose (CNRS), Lia Giraud (Paris Sciences et Lettres). Oraniser par Liliane Campos et Pierre-Louis Patoine: EA 4398 PRISMES Paris 3 – Sorbonne Nouvelle Full information at:

3 Oct 2016: The BASTILLE issue number 4 (on "Jesse") launched with a reading by authors in the issue, including Jennifer K Dick sharing her CERN time-travel Jesse James poem which appears in the issue. https://spokenwordparis.org/2013/03/08/blurb/
26 June-1 July 2016: Jennifer K Dick is guest teaching the Poetry Writig Workshop for he Paris Writers Workshop, situated in UNESCO this year. Course description at: https://pariswritersworkshop.org/events/courses/

20 April 2016: Guest author for John High's MFA seminar "Writers on Writing" at LIU Brooklyn University 6-8pm. Jennifer K Dick will meet and talk with Long Island University in Brooklyn MFA students about their work and answer any questions they may have about her own. I will also be meeting with one of John High's undergraduate classes in the afternoon.
18 April 2016: 7pm Jennifer K Dick, Bonny Finberg and Amanda Deutch read their fiction and poetry. Jennifer and Amanda will share some of their collaborative work from their forthcoming collection ORPHERY. At: Unnameable Books, 600 Vanderbilt Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11238
15 April 2016: Jennifer K Dick read as a guest author alongside Murat Nemet-Nejat, Uche Nduka, Barbara Henning, John High, Idra Novey, Jocelyn Lieu, and Lewis Warsh as part of the LIU Brooklyn MFA Faculty and Guest Author reading and celebration of their programme: KGB Bar, 85 E 4th St, New York, NY 10003. Complete info at: http://kgbbar.com/calendar/events/liu_brooklyn_reading2/
21 November 2015: Jennifer K Dick gave a talk entitled "Madness and the spectral: Edgar Allan Poe and Laura Mullen’s The Tell-Tale Heart" at the ENSFR conference on HAUNTING at the Université d'Angers, France in Panel 11 Edgar Allan Poe with Mercedes Peñalba, University of Salamanca, Graphic Poe: “The Tell-Tale Heart” and Its Palimpsest Texts. // Julie Berlin Emerek Jensen, Université, du Maine, The Dominant Role of the Female Protagonists in the haunted and strange worlds of Edgar Allan Poe // For more, see: http://ensfr.hypotheses.org/172
12 November 2015: 14h-17h Jennifer K Dick gave a seminar presentation "No silence before armies": Susan Howe and WWII--Historical consciousness in a poetry of archives. for the ERIBIA research group as part of their series of seminars on Women's War Writings alongside talks by Amy Wells and Jennifer Kildore Cardec. AT: Université de Caen, Caen, France. Publication of these talks are forthcoming in 2016.
31 Oct 2015: There was a GENERATIVE WRITING WORKSHOP with Jennifer K Dick at "Collage" in Barcelona. Saturday, 31st, 5-7pm. DESCRIPTION: Open to authors of prose, poetry or mixed genre works, this Saturday afternoon workshop is about starting, and starting again. Each day, each page brings us a sense of accomplishment and the excitement of getting somewhere. We will try our hand at a variety of exercises and techniques to get going writing prose, poetry and prose poems/flash fiction. We will also read some short texts by other authors. At the end of the workshop, you will leave with a few beginnings, and perhaps also a finished text or two! A course for writers at all levels.To sign up, contact "Emilie" via her email at: collagebarcelona [at] gmail [dot] com / or call 93.284.6520. 20€ fee. Barcelona, Spain at Collage (Sant Salvador 96, metro: Lesseps).
30 Oct 2015: Reading with Jennifer K Dick and Michelle Noteboom, organized by Ed Smallfield in Barcelona, Spain at Collage (Sant Salvador 96, metro: Lesseps).
21 October 2015 : Conference seminar by Jennifer Κ Dick and Cole Swensen: "Poets who translate and self-translate" AT: TRILL research group, Université de Paris X: Nanterre.
22 October 2015: Gave the Conference talk « Communication évènementielle non-verbale et verbale de Susan Howe : textes à lire ? textes à voir ? » Jennifer K Dick at the conference "L’immobilité vive" : Poétiques et esthétiques du moment, in the panel « Le moment poétique », at l'Université de Poitiers, UFR Lettres et Langues, Salle des Actes.
26 Sept 2015 : read translations of Ivy Writers Paris author Virginie Poitrasson and celebrated the Ivy special section included in the new issue of Paris Lit Up (PLU issue 3) at 100 thousand poets for change / PLU launch issue 3 AT: La Petite Maison – 8 rue Cavaignac, 75011 Paris.
1 July 2015 : Featured reader Jennifer Κ Dick at Spoken Word2--Open Secret
23 June 2015 Bilingual Reading and Performances by Jennifer Κ Dick, Claire Paulian, Irène Gayraud and Camille Bloomfield aka Camilla Campo de Flores at GALERIE 14, 14 rue Brochant, Paris.
22 June 2015 : Featured reader Jennifer Κ Dick at Spoken Word, Paris
30 MAY 2015 at 18h30 Text creation performance with Olivier Gabrys. "Traces de son amant qui s’en va" SPECTACLE Olivier Gabrys / chorégraphe et danseur, Jennifer K. Dick / écrivain. Performance de danse et de textes : un dialogue entre la voix de l'écrivain, le regard de l'artiste et le mouvement du corps du danseur. Quand la chorégraphie du corps vivant, mouvant, rencontre les œuvres présentées et les images qu'elles convoquent, s'associe à la voix de l'écrivain, lue ou spontanée, pour donner à voir, à ressentir une expérience inédite. Les thématiques et les pratiques plastiques de Véronique Arnold sont explorées et développées dans cette performance collaborative, créée in situ pendant l'exposition au Musée des Beaux-Arts de Mulhouse. Spectacle proposé par le Service Universitaire de l’Action Culturelle de l’Université de Haute-Alsace. AT Musée des Beaux-Arts de Mulhouse, 4 Place Guillaume Tell, 68100 Mulhouse.
18 April 2015 in Panel 5 of the ENSFR conference from 9:30-11:30am Panel 5. Identities and Influences in American Short Fiction TALK Jennifer K Dick "Porous Borders/ Hybrid Lives: Jhumpa Lahiri and American Suburbia"
25 Oct 2014 at 5pm Round Table "OF TRADITION AND EXPERIMENT" To celebrate 30 years of Tears in the Fence a magazine featuring international authors writing in a diverse range of aesthetic and formal styles, join us in Stourpaine, Dorset, UK for this round table discussion on issues of tradition and “avant-gardism” today. Authors Jennifer K Dick, Richard Makin and Jeff Hilson will present, dialogue and discuss some of their issues as authors, publishers and readers with tradition and experiment as well as comment on how they see this theme both on a national (UK) level and on an international scale. Topics will include literary homage, formal choice and language use. We will close with a debate on the new newness—what we think is or isn’t just over the literary horizon! Participants are invited to read the article in issue 60 of Tears in the Fence as an amuse-bouche prepping for the discussion. We hope you will all participate in this lively debate and round table discussion!!! http://tearsinthefence.com/festival/ for info and tickets to the festival.
25 Oct 2014 at 10am Readings by featured authors Jennifer K Dick, Cora Greenhill, Richard Makin, Jay Ramsay along with "Open readings" by: David Andrew, Andrew Henon, Ric Hool, John Howard-Greaves, Rosie Jackson, Morag Kiziewicz, Mandy Pannett, Aidan Semmens at the Tears in the Fence festival in Stourpaine, Dorset at the White Horse.
http://tearsinthefence.com/festival/ for info and tickets to the festival.
30 Oct 2014 at 7pm Readings by Eleni Sikelianos, Laird Hunt and Jennifer K Dick for the Xing the Line series. At: Xing the Line: The Apple Tree, 45 Mount Pleasant, Clerkenwell WC1X 2AE entry fee is £5 or £3
24 May 2014 à 18h Paris launch of CONVERSION with Kate Van Houten in Paris chez Eliane Fievet (private galerie) Kate showed visual work (sculpture, engraving and paintings) and Jennifer K Dick read the poems in this book of 7 folio pages on texured Italian paper. Poems by Jennifer K Dick printed in a smokey blue ink with Kate Van Houten's images traversing the texts and spanning both sides of the folio. Conversion is enclosed in a handmade burgundy colored box.
7 June 2014 at 5pm Amsterdam Boekie Woekie Reading and book talk with Kate Van Houten and Jennifer K Dick for their art chapbook CONVERSION (Estepa éditions, France) at Boekie Woekie bookstore, Berenstraat 16, 1016 GH Amsterdam in The Netherlands.
16 June 2014: 19h Paris Poets-Live reading in Paris at Carr's Pub and Restaurant, 1 rue Mont-Thabor, Paris 75001. See http://poets-live.com/ for more
19 June 2014: 19h30 Paris Lit Up featured reader for open Mike night on June 19th 2014, Culture Rapide, 103 Rue Julien Lacroix, 75020 Paris. Come read with me!

18 March 2014: read for the Printemps des poètes event at 47° Nord, Maison Engelman, Mulhouse with students and faculty from the FLSH, Université de Haute Alsace. Translations of my work were read by Martial Dietsch and Jeff Gaspari, two of my L3 students. We also did a 4-voiced reading of 2 of my poems with the aid of Nina Kulics. Here are a few pics from this event:
15 March 2014 for the Journée des Portes Ouvertes and Fêtes des Langues my L2 students and myself, along with visiting author Andrew Seguin and professor Martine Fade whipped up a 12 minute multivoiced performance to pay homage to Lou Reed which was then followed by readings by students of poems they had written in English in a New York School style. Here are a few pics from this Sat afternoon:
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