Michelle Noteboom and I were thrilled, touched and a bit embarrassed to be approached by
Erin Stranyak --author of the blog
AdHocTravel-- as she was preparing her AUP broadcasting course film for first semester Fall 2010. But more than anything Michelle and I were (and remain) so highly flattered that Erin would think of our reading series for her documentary project
So, as a sort of return "thanks" I wanted to share here the link to her video and also wanted to post this as a reminder to everyone as we enter a new year (and decade!) to
support the small presses that keep poetry alive!-- To help with that, I have included links off names and book titles so that you can easily go to the websites, presses and specific books of the authors mentioned here, for books for yourself or a friend!
Here below are a few stills, and the full video (all 3 and some minutes!) Erin made about Ivy Writers Paris reading series (which will be 6 years old this January: Our next reading is the 18th of January 2011 with Guy Bennett & Philippe Beck!) The video by Erin has been posted up on
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YySCEoa3kw (or just click

This film was made around the IVY reading from
23 November 2010 (click date to see the original IVY blog invite with full bios on the two featured authors). French author
Eric Cassar (seen here and reading in the video from his new book, just out in 2010:
INSTANTS POETIQUES) read with American author
Eleni Sikelianos, writer of both prose and poetry--most recently the author of
BODY CLOCK (Coffee House Press), and previously of
THE BOOK OF JON (City Lights Books) and
THE CALIFORNIA POEM (Coffee House Press).

What is really fun are to see here are also the tiny tidbit interviews with friends, such as authors
Lisa Pasold (from Canada, most recently writer of
Rats of Las Vegas--a novel--and previously
A bad Year For Journalism (poetry) Lisa was the first ever Ivy Writer reader, almost 6 years ago now!)

Bonny Finberg, (click her name to go read her blog!) writer of prose who has some recent work in the Paris journal
Upstairs at Duroc--a new issue which will be out this January, 2011.

Joe Ross, author of over 12 books, most recently
Dusie Press in Switzerland (see the
Dusie Blog, too), and the writer of my personal favorite,
Equations = equals (
Green Integer Press) Joe read for Ivy when Strata came out, and we hope to hear him again when his next book(s) hit the stands!
Of course,
Michelle and I do our best to babble and be ourselves. Interviewed between baby cries as Ansel headed into dreamland, we tried to answer Erin's questions as best we could. Hope everyone enjoys this.
Great job, Erin--thank you for featuring our readers and reading series in your first film project!!!!