READ: a series of translation seminars run by Sarah Riggs and Cole Swensen which culminates in publication in READ anthologies is celebrating 12 years of bringing together authors and translators for an intense week of co-writing, co-translating that takes place once a week annually. To bask in the wonderful results of 12 years of encounters, READ has invited all of its participants back for this lovely close of the pre-summer season reading in the REID Hall gardens in the 6th arr. of Paris. The event will start at 5pm.It is also a great moment to pick up copies of READ, including the most recent issue with my translations of Jean-Michel Espitallier and his translations of my work which we have been anxiously awaiting!
Authors will read extracts from READ or a memory to share, and there will be a table of books, journals or other work in progress .
When: Thursday, July 13th at 5pm
Where: 4, rue de Chevreuse
75006 Paris metro Vavin