Paris-Barcelona-Brussels! Where to find me!
the 11th Oct— PARIS: reading
8pm-2am: Reading as part of the Paris Lit Up launch: 120 Pages. 45 Writers. 4 Bands. 1 DJ! Paris
Lit Up is more than proud to present the first-ever issue of our new Paris Lit
Up Magazine! A night of reading, drinking, dancing with
Paris’ most misbehaved poets, writers, musicians and artists.
READINGS at random by our contributors:
Ivy Alvarez • Scott Batty • Patrick Cash • Tony Curtis • Amanda Dennis •
Jennifer K. Dick • Claire Dyer • Michaela A. Gabriel • Lucy Gellman • Kate
Haddigan • Sven Hansen-Löve • AF Harrold • Lin Heggem • Rafael Herrero • Bibi
Jacob • Kyle Jenkins • Emily Ruck Keene • Patrick Kilmartin • Wendy Klein •
Antonia Alexandra Klimenko • Anna-May Laugher • James Loks • Viola Manfra •
Barbara Marsh • Pansy Maurer- Alvarez • Jason Francis Mc Gimsey • James Navé •
Kate Noakes • Alistair Noon • Helen Cusack O’Keeffe • Griffin Payne • JP Poole
• Bill Raschen • Sue Rose • John Rosser • Karin Schmike • Dan Shylan • Zamira
Skalkottas • Demian Smith • Todd Swift • David Tait • Bianca Alice Walker •
Kirby Wright • Peter Wyton • Liz Young.
MUSICIANS Playing live: The Umbilical Chords, The
Bowling Team, Boato Brunello Duo, The Freres and DJ Sven Löve.
the 12th of Oct—PARIS: reading/performance
19h An in-house READING and celebration
for the
publication of issue 4 of VLAK magazine out of Prague. I am thrilled to
have 2 series of poems in the magazine! I will be reading new poems from the CERN project, and a few others. VLAK 4 readers will include publishers
and authors from Prague, Paris and Amsterdam—Louis Armand, Andrew
Hodgson, Jane Lewty, David Vichnar, Jennifer K Dick & surprise guests (both musical and literary)! drinks
at 7pm and readings starting at 7:30pm. For
bios of the authors, see the FB invite page: Address: 4 Villa Marcel Lods, 75019
Paris (off passage de l’Atlas)—as this event is in a private home, please email
me to get codes or call me if you have my cell number.
16th to 18th
October 2013—Paris (Yvelines et Nanterre Universities): Conference
“La Poésie hors le
livre” colloque: lasts 3 days
Photo by JK Dick, Paris wall, 2012 |
and is in MANY locations (so look carefully at
the schedule for place and maps). I will be speaking EN FRANCAIS in the panel Poésie graphique, poésie urbaine on the 17th
of Oct (14h30-18h) presided by Pascal Brissette (université McGill). I will be giving my talk at 15h30 with the
marathon title « Poésie vs publicité: les espaces limitrophes entre
le design, l'image et la littérature dans l'époque de la prédominance
économique ». This panel also includes the following speakers and talks:
14h30 – Patrick Suter (université de
Berne), « Par-delà les frontières du codex, nouveaux espaces du livre
poétique ».
15h – Fanny Delbreilh (Équipe
Anthropologie de l’écriture – EHESS), « Les écritures
situationnistes dans la ville : poésie, action, contestation
(1952-1972) ».
15h30 – Jennifer K. Dick
(université de Haute-Alsace), « Poésie vs publicité: les espaces limitrophes entre le design, l'image
et la littérature dans l'époque de la prédominance économique ».
16h30 – Camille Vorger (université
de Lausanne), « Essai de slamologie ».
17h20 – Karim Hammou (Centre
Norbert Elias), « Approches du rap comme forme poétique ».
For a complete schedule AND ADDRESSES and MAPS
for the three days of talks and events, see: For talks on
the 17th: Université Paris-Ouest Nanterre la Défense, Salle des
conférences, bâtiment B (200, avenue de la République, 92001 Nanterre cedex
– RER A, station « Nanterre université).
Wednesday, October 30th—BARCELONA:
Photo from |
at 20h30 : Jennifer K Dick will be
reading for the Trilengua Series with Michelle Noteboom,
Paris-based poet, Nicky Thornton, an English fiction writer who lives in
Barcelona, Bonny Finberg, a NY-based author of prose and poetry, and Sonia
Barba, a Spanish poet-actress-director. Organized by Georgina and Ed. AT: the Trilengua Series, 7 Sins, Muntaner 7, Barcelona, Spain.
Friday November 1st—BARCELONA: reading
Braque |
at 21h 4 authors from the States will read in Barcelona! Jennifer K Dick, Michelle
Noteboom, Carlos Cabrera, and Bonny Finberg will read in
English for The Collage Series. Event organized by Edward Smallfield, publisher
and editor of Apogee Books. AT: the Collage Series,
Sant Salvador 96, Barcelona, Spain.
7th and 8th November 2013—BRUSSELS:
"Moving Back and Forth
between Poetry and/as Translation: Nomadic Travels and Travails with Alice
Notley and Pierre Joris". I will be giving the talk "Character and Allegory
in Pierre Joris and Alice Notley’s Writing—Reading as a Nomadic Experience"
as part of the Broken Continuum and Reinvigorated Multiplicities: The Nomadics of
Collective Being panel from 11:15 – 12:45 on Friday the
8th alongside Zoë SKOULDING and Harriet TARLO. The morning schedule starts with a keynote lecture by
Alice Notley, followed by our panel:
10:00 – 11:00 Keynote Lecture by Alice NOTLEY (poet, USA): "The No Poetics: The Woman Who
Counted Crossties"
11:00 – 11:15 Coffee break
11:15 – 12:45 Fourth Panel Session: Broken Continuum and Reinvigorated Multiplicities: The
Nomadics of Collective Being
· SKOULDING, Zoë (Bangor University, UK): "'& in
ongoingness' 'of voices': Speech, Song and Citation in the Poetry of Alice
Notley and Pierre Joris."
· DICK, Jennifer K. (Université de Haute Alsace, France): "Character
and Allegory in Pierre Joris and Alice Notley’s Writing—Reading as a Nomadic Experience."
· TARLO, Harriet (Sheffield Hallam University, UK): "'We are all in
need of becoming archeologists of the morning after': the Implications of
Pierre Joris’s Nomadic Poetics in, of and for the Open Field of Ecopoetics."
For the other readings and keynote lectures by Pierre Joris and Alice Notley as well as
a schedule of the two days of talks by academics and authors speaking about
Notley and Joris, see:
All talks and readings will all be held AT: La Maison des Arts de l'ULB, Avenue
Jeanne, 56, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium
ORGANIZING for other authors--events in English and in French:
If you won't be able to find me at events I am participating in, perhaps you can join me as an audience member for the
events I am co-curating and am thrilled to be introducing!:
Tuesdays Oct 22nd, Nov 12th and
Dec 10th—PARIS!
IVY Writers bilingual readings at 19h30 for these 3
fabulous events keep your eye the schedule and more at:
or join our FB group. Co-curated with Jacob Bromberg and Michelle Noteboom.
Sunday Nov 17th—MULHOUSE!