(pre-orders always welcome by the presses & magazines that support our work!)
I) Book :
Circuits (Corrupt Press, Paris) forthcoming in January/February 2012. http://corruptpress.net/ (you can subscribe to their newsletter & get info on this as it appears, as well as be notified of other books & chapbooks--like Michelle Noteboom's!)
II) DUSIE Kollectiv 5 chapbook Tracery ONLINE:
Tracery, my 2011 chapbook with handmade covers, hand stitched, with color images inside it, is now visible online with the Dusie Kollectiv site: http://www.dusie.org/issue12.html Just click the image and then find my name on the right & click it to view the pdf. SO SO many others to read, tooo--it has been a beautiful experience being part of Dusie's Kollectiv!
III) Art poetry chapbook:
with visual artist and bookmaker Kate Van Houten (Estepa Editions, January 2012). This will be Kate and my second book together, as Retina/Rétine has sold out!

“Three poems from Anywhere Apparently” (by Amanda Deutch and Jennifer K Dick), including:
“I Suppose it is a Symphony of Metal, Urban and Maladroit” (AD),
“Nothing more to do but whine” (JKD)
“Neither the consort nor king called her Eurydice on the rock pricking up an ear” (JKD).
To subscribe to DQ or order a copy: http://www.denverquarterly.com/
and subscriptions at: http://www.denverquarterly.com/subscriptions.cfm
I) Regular column in Tears in the Fence:

Published in issue 53: Of tradition and experiment V: one independent small press, “Futurepoem books”, keeps redefining the reading experience. Published in Tears in The Fence, issue N° 53, spring 2011, issn 0266 5816. The photo at the left is of Hannah Silva from her blog post which reviews this particular issue of TITF. To read her blog post, go to: http://hannahsilva.wordpress.com/2011/07/12/tears-in-the-fence/ To order: contact David Caddy via http://llpp.ms11.net/tears.html
Three book reviews in Drunken Boat issue 15, forthcoming online in Dec 2011 or January 2012: http://www.drunkenboat.com/

2) A review of Laura Mullen’s Dark Archive (University of California Press, New California Poetry Series 2011, ISBN 978-0-520-26886-9)
3) A review of Josie Foo and Leah Stein’s A Lily Lilies (Nightboat books, 2011 isbn 978-0-9844598-5-8)
+ I will be posting on Drunken Boat’s site—watch for my “what I am reading” post which goes up Dec 2nd at the latest! http://www.drunkenboat.com/ to read the current post on what Yerra Sugerman is reading!
Forthcoming: joint dialogue in Drunken Boat issue 16 (out in summer 2012):
Jonathan Regier and Jennifer K Dick discuss Ronaldo V. Wilson's POEMS OF THE

III) Under Consideration:
French article (acte du colloque) under submission, thus awaiting reply:
La revue de Pierre Albert-Birot : SIC prend l’extrême pointe de l’avant-garde pendant la première guerre mondiale
EVENTS: Upcoming events:
I will be reading from my work as part of the Dutch Poetry Festival, January 26, 2012 in Utrecht, Holland! Keep your eyes out for more information about this on my blog, but also via the festival sites on:
I) Editorial work:

II) JURY pour une résidance d'écrivain:d'artiste à la KUNSTHALLE:
We are also reading for the residency for a FRENCH writer that will be with la Kunsthalle in Mulhouse and UHA with the SUAC. We seek a writer interested in the intersections between text & image. For further information on how to apply, see: http://kunsthallemulhouse.com/documents/RESIDENCE-UNIVERSITAIRE-Appel-a-candidature.pdf Date limite de candidature: le 12 déc 2012 pour une résidance qui aura lieu en mars et mai 2012!
III) COLLOQUE Station 2 Station:
If you are around Mulhouse or Dijon, décembre 1-2 2011: please join us for our conference STATION to STATION! http://station2stationcolloquenomade.blogspot.com/ for the programme and info on reserving your billet! This is Didier Girard’s baby, but Frederique Tudoire-Surlapierre and I are the co-organizers.
IV) Ecrire l’art continues in 2012 with, next up:
Virginie Poitrasson à la Kunsthalle, Mulhouse du 15 au 19 février 2012
Pour plus, voir la Kunsthalle: http://www.kunsthallemulhouse.fr/
V) Ivy Writers Paris plans on getting back on track with:
A January 2012 event featuring Alice Notley. Keep your eye on our blog for further info: http://ivywritersparis.blogspot.com/
And please join our new Facebook group!: http://www.facebook.com/groups/101898279922603/
To see a little post from our recent IVY Writers Paris reading with VERSAL Magazine & Lars Palm as a guest with Poets-Live series, esp to admire some pics, click this link to the: VERSAL BLOG POST about the event.
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