Sunday, January 30, 2011

RoToR 5 en ligne! RoToR 5 is Up!

IT IS OUT! Yes, RoToR number 5, the issue I was so nicely asked to select work for! The idea behind RoToR is, one author (I invited Vannina Maestri to start) writes a poem and then an artist (in this case, I invited the collaborative collective trait d-union to make photos) makes 5 art images off that work which will accompany the 5 texts which will be made by 5 authors. On the writing side, that same first text is then usd by a second poet who sees the first poet's work and writes off that, and then a third poet only sees the second author's poem which they write off of, and so on to 5! I invited: Vanina Maestri, Frederic Forte, Virginie Poitrasson, Jacques Sivan, and Susana Sulic! The Combo gives us RoToR, where the writers and the artists discover how the work has come together!!!

Je suis heureuse de vous annoncer la mise en ligne du 5ème numéro de RoToR, une carte blanche à moi, Jennifer K. Dick, (grace à l'invitation d'Anne Kawala!). J'ai invité :
Vanina Maestri > Frédéric Forté > Virginie Poitrasson > Jacques Sivan > Susana Sulic
ainsi que le collectif
trait d-union pour la série de photo-montages, L'air autour.
Tout est en ligne ici :
Bonne lecture!

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