at 20h
Atelier de Werkvloer
Brigittenstraat 7
Utrecht, Netherlands
Free entry!
Salon des Mots is gearing up for the new poetry season at a new location in the heart of Utrecht, Atelier de Werkvloer. Get back to the roots of Salon des Mots, which began 5 years ago in an Oudegracht atelier with poets, performance artists, musicians and guests mingling in the intimate setting of candles, sculptures and paintings! Our new gallery location is the perfect venue for different cultures, languages and genres to mesh resulting in a totally unique poetry show.
First Salon des Mots show is on Saturday, October 10th 2009 and it has a strong Paris presence, with
jazz pianist Jobic Le Masson (FR)
percussionist John Betsch (US)
as well as resident poets
Jennifer K. Dick (US/FR),
Amy Hollowell (US/FR),
Rufo Quintavalle (UK/FR)
Arubian/Argentinean writer, Arturo Desimone (AW).
Salon des Mots bereidt zich voor op het nieuwe gedichtenseizoen. Om te beginnen hebben we een nieuwe lokatie in het hart van Utrecht, Atelier de Werkvloer! Terug naar de oorsprong van Salon des Mots, vijf jaar geleden begonnen in een atelier aan de Oude Gracht, waar dichters, performers, muzikanten en gasten zich bij kaarslicht verzamelden in een ruimte met beelden en schilderijen. Deze nieuwe galerie is de perfecte locatie waar verschillende culturen, talen en genres samen een unieke voorstelling worden. Onze eerste avond , zaterdag 10 oktober, heeft een sterke ‘presence parisienne’, met jazz pianist Jobic Le Masson (FR), en percussionist John Betsch (US), de dichters Jennifer K Dick (US), Amy Hollowell (US), Rufo Quintavalle (UK) en de Arubaans/Argentijnse schrijver Arturo Desimone (AW).
John Betsch (US) studied percussion at the Berkeley School of Music in Boston and the University of Massachusetts under Max Roach and Archie Shepp. In 1975 he moved to New York City where he played with Roland Alexander, Dewey Redman, Paul Jeffrey Octet, vocalists Jeanne Lee, Abbey Lincoln and the Ted Daniel big band. He toured with Max Roach, Kalaparusha, Abdullah Ibrahim, the Klaus Konig Orchestra and Steve Lacy. Based in Europe since 1985, he participated in recordings and tours with saxophonists Mike Ellis, Hal Singer and Jim Pepper, vocalists Ozay, Jeanne Lee and Annette Lowman, pianists Mal Waldron, Alain Jean-Marie, Claudine Francois, Jobic le Masson and Kirk Lightsey. He has toured Japan with Steve Lacy, Max Waldron, Eric Watson and Michel Sardaby.
Arturo Desimone (1984), a son of refugees, born on the island Aruba but of Argentinean nationality, will recite some poems and snippets of prose. He writes about, among other things, life on Aruba and in Latin America, childhood, memory, liberation struggle and identity. He left school at the age of fifteen but in early adulthood was able to take writing courses at the New School of New York and later on studied world mythology. He has recently emigrated to the Netherlands and has led a nomadic existence.
Jennifer K Dick (US) the author of Fluorescence, Retina/Rétine and ENCLOSURES. A long time resident of France, she is the co-founder of the IVY Writers series and is central to the expatriate literary movement in Paris. She writes regular columns for Tears in the Fence in the UK (on poetry) and EyePreterParis (on artists working in Paris). Jennifer is a diverse poet and a fantastic performer. During her stay in Holland she will be giving a poetry workshop for wordsinhere in Amsterdam. http://jenniferkdick.blogspot.com/
Amy Hollowell is an American poet, essayist, journalist and Zen teacher who lives in Paris. The author of Peneloping (2005) and Down to the Wire: Giacomettrics (2008), her writing has appeared in a number of publications in Europe and the United States, with new work forthcoming in Interim and Lavenderia. She is a former editor of the Paris-based review Pharos and in 2004 she founded the Wild Flower Zen community. Her writing and teaching can be found on the Web at zenscribe.ovh.org.
One of the most exciting new jazz pianists and composers to come out of Paris, Jobic Le Masson (FR), recently released his third album Jobic Le Masson Trio on the prestigious jazz label Enja. Jobic studied and played in the Boston area in the 1980s before returning to Paris. The album is dedicated to the late Andrew Hill who was a great influence along with Thelonious Monk in Jobic’s life and music. John Betsch (drums) and Peter Giron (bass), fellow American expatriates in Paris, are both seasoned musicians. Jobic has strong roots, tons of musicianship and a vision that goes far beyond the prevalent fads. http://jobic.lemasson.free.fr/trioenglish/homeng.html
Rufo Quintavalle was born in London in 1978, studied at Oxford and the University of Iowa and now lives in Paris where he helps edit the literary magazine, Upstairs at Duroc. His work has appeared in The London Magazine, The Wolf, Barrow Street, nthposition and elimae. His chapbook, Make Nothing Happen, is published by Oystercatcher Press.