To film, write, see, encounter, explore, reflect, know self or other, know other or self, to mirror, to make, to video, to be made, to create art, to be part of the art--its material form, to exist, to be body, to be mind, to mind the body's being, to disconnect, reconnect, to visit, to watch, to detail, to sketch, to specify, to enter the fluid spaces of making and unmaking, to expound upon the processes, to be in the constant moment of..., to share, to think as one or as many, to think many as one, to absorb the space of another, to visit, to exchange, to undo the voyeur in the watching of you or you or I, to be eye in the I in that universal you, to journal, to invest a space, to be a space invested in, to question, to be pondered, to re-examine, to admire the everyday, to be in the day of every living thing, moment, to scratch down an image, to make words, to leave a trace, to trace that which is, was, where we you I am going, to travel, to go from or towards, to look at, to see, to see seeing, to be seen.
My article, ARTSEEN V, the fifth in this series, is UP NOW online at EyePreferParis Blog:ArtSeen V: Zoé Chantre & Alexandra Pianellié-chantre-and-alexandra-pianelli.html
2 books by Zoé Chantre & Alexandra are also available :
Projections Privées (éditions des Rives Dangereuses, 2008) &
Confidences de Boutons (co-édition by the Ecole Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs de Strasbourg & Candide publishers, 2006)
List and links to previous ArtSeen Articles on
Artseen IV : Georgio Fidone,
Artseen III: Julie LeGrand II: Seulgi Lee I: Kate Van Houten
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