Wow. Let's see how this works, and if it does--wanting to start finding things up and about, on the web. If this works, then I should perhaps start by saying to anyone interested: Here are some of Jennifer K Dick's works, and where they can be found:
* F
luorescence (University of Georgia Press, 2004) winner of the Contemporary Poetry Series Competition 2004).
For FLUORESCENCE info or to order a copy from amazon or directly via: OR, To see 2004's book tour site with sample poems from the book, go to: Another sample poem from the book (in a different visual format) can be found at:,%20Jennifer
or DC Poetry site (website) from the poem What holds the body (1999-2000) See what UK magazine Editor of Stride had to say about Fluorescence: by Rupert Loydell: Best of 2004 list.
* Retina/Rétine (Estepa Editions, France) bi-lingual chapbook (tr. Rémi Bouthonnier) with artwork by American artist (living in Paris) Kate Van Houten, September 2005 (limited edition of 100 signed copies). To order a copy, 15 euros, email: with "Order Retina" in subject heading.
SEE some of my NEW WORK:
POEMS from CIRCUITS which are up ONLINE:
At (vol 6.2): "A System of Symbols" + its commentary on process at:
At: (vol 2) at or direct & to commentary on each poem via:
and and
"The Memory Machine" at:
Other CIRCUITS poems in print magazines and anthologies:
I) “A Dark Continent” and “The Price of An Idea” in Moosehead Anthology X: Future Welcome ed. Todd Swift. DC Books, Canada, November 2005.
II) “The Memory Machine” and “Mucking Around in the Wetware” in Beyond the Valley of the Contemporary Poets Antholgy (a VCP Anthology), eds Elizabeth Ianacci and Frankie Drayus, V.C. Press: Los Angeles/ Hollywood, CA, 2004.
III) “The Porcupine Effect 1”, “The Porcupine Effect 2”, “Strengthening Connections”, “Invisible Palaces”, “Intuition and Ambiguity”, and “King of the Hill” in The Colorado Review (Winter 2004 and latter 4 in Fall 2006)
IV) “Atomic Choreography 1” in Upstairs at Duroc (Paris, France, June 2005).
V) “Animal Logic” in The Café Review (CT, USA, October 2005).
VI) “Looking For Engrams” forthcoming in Gargoyle (D.C., USA, June 2006)
VII) “Theorizing about Theorizing” forthcoming in Diner magazine (MA, USA, 2006).
VIII) “New Wires” and “Resonance and Reality 2” forthcoming in Tears in the Fence (UK) (Summer/Fall 2006)
MORE NEW POEMS in PRINT MAGAZINES: Circuits isn't all I do--so here are some very different works not yet in a book in print but available in some lit mags which have been kind enough to include them:
I) “Redolence” in Cutbank #65, Oregon, Spring 2006. This issue of Cutbank is dedicated entirely to poetry, and I am thrilled to be a part of it! Order online from Cutbank’s site!
II) “Regrets [terms—provisions/conditions—of]” (pp51-2) in Green Mountains Review, v.XVIII, No 1, 2005.
III) “Frequency” (pp161-168) in Aufgabe, No 4, Brooklyn, NY, Fall 2004. (you can purchase Aufgabe issues through small press distribution online or Litmus Press, also online)
IV) 1. “Prints” (p76) 2. “Trace3” (pp77-80) in Diner, v.4, N° 1, Worchester, MA, Spring/Summer 2004.
V) “Sestina for the Drowned Who Leave Their Names Above Water” (pp35-37) in Green Mountains Review, v. 17, N° 1, Johnson State College, Johnson, Johnson, VT, Spring 2004.
VI) “Kiln" (p51) in The Canary, N° 3, USA, April 2004.
ANTHOLOGIES: Besides the aforementioned, you can already, or will be able to soon find my work in the following anthologies:
I) Forthcoming: section in anthology 12 x 12 on emerging American poets and their influences: 10 pages of poetry plus “conversation” essay with poet Laura Mullen who has influenced me. Anthology edited by Joshua Marie Wilkinson and Christina Mengert.
II) Poem “Theater” in In the Criminal's Cabinet: An Nthology of Poetry and Fiction, ed Val Stevenson and Todd Swift, nthposition press, London, UK, 2004. Available for purchase online through
III) Poem “Where” in SHORT FUSE: The Global Anthology of New Fusion Poetry, ed. Todd Swift and Paul Norton, Rattapallax Press, NYC, USA, 2002, and “After” in the e-book anthology extension, 2002.
IV) Poem “Election Day” in 100 Poets Against the War, ed. Todd Swift, Salt Press, UK, February/March 2003. Poem previously appeared in nthposition chapbook No 1 of 100 Poets Against the War, January 2003.
MORE IS STILL FORTHCOMING—to watch for in print, new poems in lit mags:
I) “Coda” in American Letters and Commentary, Texas. Issue #18, forthcoming in Fall 2006.
II) “Then” (poem) also translated into French by Remi Bouthonnier, in La Traductière, Paris, June 2006.
III) “Excerpt from In Closer” in Pool, Fall 2006.
IV) Series of pages from Fluorescence and my new poems translated into French by wonderful French poet Christophe Lamiot Enos (his work appears in collections out from Flammarion’s poetry series, and in the fall he has books coming out from Comp’Act, too) He’s translated my work for La Polygraphe, 2006. (in France)
INTERVIEWS: I love interviewing people--the process of getting to know them, asking about their writing and reflections on the artisitc life and their (and my own) concerns of the moment) Here are some of my interviews online:
I) Interview with American poet Mary Jo Bang, this interview is reprinted online from VERSE magazine 2005: if it moved, it can likely be found in their archive prose section.
II) Interview of American poet Marilyn Hacker: "Translation and Writing: A Conversation with Marilyn Hacker" on Perihelion web review, March 2003 (on webdelsol site). Re-published on Sol eScene, series 4, at 2003-4.
III) Interview of American poet Alice Notley, published bi-lingually (French and English) in Double Change literary review, 2002. Issue 3.
See also some TRANSLATIONS and the guest edited selection of French translations at (click on France) plus you can find on Ray Bianchi's brilliant poet and poetry-dedicated site a profile on me and on lots of your other favorite poets.
RANDOM places to look for more on, about, from me:
--Quoted and talked about in: "P O E T R Y N E W S" in Fascicle, WINTER 05 / 06 "Paris, France" by Nicholas Manning
--CSU Alum file where I talk about my advice on writing (for whatever it's worth!):
--Review of Fluorescence: by poet Erika Howsare "Reading as Ritual"Jennifer K. Dick. Fluorescence. University of Georgia Press.
-- The Diasporic Avant-Gardes Conference Program for the day I spoke on Kim and Royet-Journaud.
* F

For FLUORESCENCE info or to order a copy from amazon or directly via: OR, To see 2004's book tour site with sample poems from the book, go to: Another sample poem from the book (in a different visual format) can be found at:,%20Jennifer
or DC Poetry site (website) from the poem What holds the body (1999-2000) See what UK magazine Editor of Stride had to say about Fluorescence: by Rupert Loydell: Best of 2004 list.
* Retina/Rétine (Estepa Editions, France) bi-lingual chapbook (tr. Rémi Bouthonnier) with artwork by American artist (living in Paris) Kate Van Houten, September 2005 (limited edition of 100 signed copies). To order a copy, 15 euros, email: with "Order Retina" in subject heading.
SEE some of my NEW WORK:
POEMS from CIRCUITS which are up ONLINE:
At (vol 6.2): "A System of Symbols" + its commentary on process at:
At: (vol 2) at or direct & to commentary on each poem via:
and and
"The Memory Machine" at:
Other CIRCUITS poems in print magazines and anthologies:
I) “A Dark Continent” and “The Price of An Idea” in Moosehead Anthology X: Future Welcome ed. Todd Swift. DC Books, Canada, November 2005.
II) “The Memory Machine” and “Mucking Around in the Wetware” in Beyond the Valley of the Contemporary Poets Antholgy (a VCP Anthology), eds Elizabeth Ianacci and Frankie Drayus, V.C. Press: Los Angeles/ Hollywood, CA, 2004.
III) “The Porcupine Effect 1”, “The Porcupine Effect 2”, “Strengthening Connections”, “Invisible Palaces”, “Intuition and Ambiguity”, and “King of the Hill” in The Colorado Review (Winter 2004 and latter 4 in Fall 2006)
IV) “Atomic Choreography 1” in Upstairs at Duroc (Paris, France, June 2005).
V) “Animal Logic” in The Café Review (CT, USA, October 2005).
VI) “Looking For Engrams” forthcoming in Gargoyle (D.C., USA, June 2006)
VII) “Theorizing about Theorizing” forthcoming in Diner magazine (MA, USA, 2006).
VIII) “New Wires” and “Resonance and Reality 2” forthcoming in Tears in the Fence (UK) (Summer/Fall 2006)
MORE NEW POEMS in PRINT MAGAZINES: Circuits isn't all I do--so here are some very different works not yet in a book in print but available in some lit mags which have been kind enough to include them:
I) “Redolence” in Cutbank #65, Oregon, Spring 2006. This issue of Cutbank is dedicated entirely to poetry, and I am thrilled to be a part of it! Order online from Cutbank’s site!
II) “Regrets [terms—provisions/conditions—of]” (pp51-2) in Green Mountains Review, v.XVIII, No 1, 2005.
III) “Frequency” (pp161-168) in Aufgabe, No 4, Brooklyn, NY, Fall 2004. (you can purchase Aufgabe issues through small press distribution online or Litmus Press, also online)
IV) 1. “Prints” (p76) 2. “Trace3” (pp77-80) in Diner, v.4, N° 1, Worchester, MA, Spring/Summer 2004.
V) “Sestina for the Drowned Who Leave Their Names Above Water” (pp35-37) in Green Mountains Review, v. 17, N° 1, Johnson State College, Johnson, Johnson, VT, Spring 2004.
VI) “Kiln" (p51) in The Canary, N° 3, USA, April 2004.
ANTHOLOGIES: Besides the aforementioned, you can already, or will be able to soon find my work in the following anthologies:
I) Forthcoming: section in anthology 12 x 12 on emerging American poets and their influences: 10 pages of poetry plus “conversation” essay with poet Laura Mullen who has influenced me. Anthology edited by Joshua Marie Wilkinson and Christina Mengert.
II) Poem “Theater” in In the Criminal's Cabinet: An Nthology of Poetry and Fiction, ed Val Stevenson and Todd Swift, nthposition press, London, UK, 2004. Available for purchase online through
III) Poem “Where” in SHORT FUSE: The Global Anthology of New Fusion Poetry, ed. Todd Swift and Paul Norton, Rattapallax Press, NYC, USA, 2002, and “After” in the e-book anthology extension, 2002.
IV) Poem “Election Day” in 100 Poets Against the War, ed. Todd Swift, Salt Press, UK, February/March 2003. Poem previously appeared in nthposition chapbook No 1 of 100 Poets Against the War, January 2003.
MORE IS STILL FORTHCOMING—to watch for in print, new poems in lit mags:
I) “Coda” in American Letters and Commentary, Texas. Issue #18, forthcoming in Fall 2006.
II) “Then” (poem) also translated into French by Remi Bouthonnier, in La Traductière, Paris, June 2006.
III) “Excerpt from In Closer” in Pool, Fall 2006.
IV) Series of pages from Fluorescence and my new poems translated into French by wonderful French poet Christophe Lamiot Enos (his work appears in collections out from Flammarion’s poetry series, and in the fall he has books coming out from Comp’Act, too) He’s translated my work for La Polygraphe, 2006. (in France)
INTERVIEWS: I love interviewing people--the process of getting to know them, asking about their writing and reflections on the artisitc life and their (and my own) concerns of the moment) Here are some of my interviews online:
I) Interview with American poet Mary Jo Bang, this interview is reprinted online from VERSE magazine 2005: if it moved, it can likely be found in their archive prose section.
II) Interview of American poet Marilyn Hacker: "Translation and Writing: A Conversation with Marilyn Hacker" on Perihelion web review, March 2003 (on webdelsol site). Re-published on Sol eScene, series 4, at 2003-4.
III) Interview of American poet Alice Notley, published bi-lingually (French and English) in Double Change literary review, 2002. Issue 3.
See also some TRANSLATIONS and the guest edited selection of French translations at (click on France) plus you can find on Ray Bianchi's brilliant poet and poetry-dedicated site a profile on me and on lots of your other favorite poets.
RANDOM places to look for more on, about, from me:
--Quoted and talked about in: "P O E T R Y N E W S" in Fascicle, WINTER 05 / 06 "Paris, France" by Nicholas Manning
--CSU Alum file where I talk about my advice on writing (for whatever it's worth!):
--Review of Fluorescence: by poet Erika Howsare "Reading as Ritual"Jennifer K. Dick. Fluorescence. University of Georgia Press.
-- The Diasporic Avant-Gardes Conference Program for the day I spoke on Kim and Royet-Journaud.
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