I am in busy mode as we settle into 2023. Here are a few places you can find me:
STRASBOURG 28 January 2023:
SWAS: Strasbourg Write A Story: Fiction Writing Workshop "MYSTERY" with Jennifer K Dick on 28th January 2023 14-16h. http://sxb-write-a-story.org/workshops-2022-23-new/

Course Description: The Mysteries that Surround Us — This generative writing workshop with
Jennifer K Dick will be based around “mystery”. Not the genre, but
instead the mysteries that surround us every day and which provide a
million opportunities for us to encounter and make stories. As such,
this workshop will focus on where to find a story, questions of what
plot is and why it might or might not matter to story writing (for you)
and how to use questions to find characters and their motivations.
Finally, our afternoon together will close with some tips on how to hone
and polish your story. The goal is to encounter a little of the unknown
together, to write something into being, and to leave perhaps not with
more knowns, but rather with more mysteries to explore on our own as we
continue to uncover, craft and polish our own fiction. Please come with
the necessary materials to write in situ and an openness to discover and
encounter the mysteries of your own inner universes.YOU CAN ALSO SUBMIT YOUR STORIES TO THE 2023 SWAS CONTEST, NOW OPEN.
PARIS 29th, 30th and 31st January 2023:
RED WHEELBARROW EVENT at 16 for Estepa Editions with Lisa Pasold, Barbara Beck, Jennifer K Dick and Michelle Noteboom
along with Kate Van Houten, publisher, author and visual artist who founded and publishes Estepa Editions artbooks. This will be a wonderful reading to support an amazing art book publisher. You can also pick up copies of books by the authors published by other publishers and get those signed. A great way to keep a local bookstore thriving!
SPOKEN WORD PARIS Guest Feature Jennifer K Dick MONDAY 30 January 2023. This is an open mic scene, so come and sign up at 8pm. Spoken Word is at a new venue again for the 30th and this is the CAVE CAFE which is up on Marcadet. It has amazing beers and the reading will be downstairs. Best arrival options: Lamarck and walk down some stairs, Marcadet and a bit of a longer stroll over or Jule Joffrin and a short jaunt uphill. Wonderful authentic
cave, great little stage and mic. I have provided a theme for the night should you decide to compose a poem specifically for the event--see the Spokenword Paris facebook group or website for more. 20h is a good time to arrive, or a bit earlier for more beer.
IVY WRITERS PARIS mcing for the soirée bilingue with Marielle Anselmo, Jason Stoneking and William Strangmeyer who will be reading Tuesday the 31st of January at 19h30! Full information for that will be up soon at: https://ivywritersparis.blogspot.com/ This event starts at 19h30 but come along a little bit early and get a beer or a cocktail on happy hour and chat with the writers in the gorgeous setting of Delaville Café.