Monday, April 24, 2017

Ivy Writers Paris le 25 avril, 23 mai et 20 juin 2017

The next readings for Ivy Writers Paris, the final ones of our 2016-2017 season, will take place on 25 April, 23 May and 20th June at Delaville Café. Here is the lowdown on these fabulous soirées. Hope to see you there!

25 Avril: 19h30 Bilingual reading with authors Jeffrey Greene and Sereine Berlottier along with a presentation and reading of extracts from art books made by Rebecca Dolinsky. For full details see:

23 May: 19h30 Bilingual reading by authors Christophe Manon and Lyn Emmanuel with translations into French of Lyn Emmanuel's work, by Simone Manceau. check out the full publicity on the Ivy blog after May 5th at

20 June 2017 at 19h30 sees Ivy say farewell to the 2016-2017 season with a reading by Charles Borkhuis, Sabine Macher and Kevin Craft. We hope to see you there! For the full info and bios, check back on the Ivy blog after June 5th.

Monday, April 03, 2017

JKD participats in Angel House Press's April National Poetry Month Canada 2017: A Celebration of Women

Amanda Earl, editor and publisher of Angel House Press, Canada launched the 2017 site today, Aprl 1 2017. Every day for 30 days in April, a new poem, video-poem, collage, book art, comic, or visual poem will be published. The work will remain on the site until February 28, 2018.
I hope you will keep your eye on the site, and check out my own work which will appear there this month. I am very pleased to have been selected for this project, as I know that Amanda's sites for National Poetry Month attract an increasing number of submissions every year.

General press announcement for the project, as written by Amanda Earl: 

"AngelHousePress presents 2017: A Celebration of Women

From April 1 to April 30, 2017, will feature poems, video poems, visual poems, book art and collages from contributors from Canada, USA, France, Ireland and Japan. These poems by women-identifying poets celebrate and acknowledge women's creativity, courage, friendship, love, triumph over adversity, persistence, resilience and strength.

Visit daily in April for a new poem."

Thank you to both Amanda Earl and to Angel House Press for continuing to bring me fabulous work to read and see from Canada, and of course for including me in this project, and as one of your authors.

In June 2017 my  chapbook "Afterlife" will appear from Angel House Press, Canada's chapbook series, as well.