Thursday, March 30, 2017

A few upcoming events... where to find me

9-10 April 2017: "Expanded Translation 1" at the Poetry Library, Southbank Centre, London: Co-organisers Zoe Skoulding (University of Bangor), Jeff Hilson (Roehampton University, London) with Jennifer K Dick (UHA-France) and Chris McCabe (National Poetry Library Librarian, Southbank Centre) of a 2-year long series of conferences and artisitc interventions, including publications. The first of the series will take place over 2 days in April where the organisers along with a selected group of researcher-critic-poets in residence over the weekend in London will give talks on the seminar topic: "Expanded Translation " open to the public: Expanded Translation-- Monday 10 April, 2 pm open workshop session then the 6.30pm reading: "Expanded translation pushes the boundaries of translation to include creative dialogues across collaborative practice and different art forms. At this event a specially commissioned group of poets and thinkers will present new discoveries that have taken place during their research at The Poetry Library. They will also respond to ideas left on postcards in Poetry Library books since the beginning of the year." Please note: YOU MUST BOOK a place, but the event is free. For full information:
11 April: my post goes LIVE for the AngelHousePress 2017: A Celebration of Women. My post will go up on their site dedicated to this project. The site itself will go live on April 1 and every day for 30 days in April, a new poem, video-poem, collage, book art, comic, or visual poem will be published by different, spectacular women-identifying poets. The work will remain on the site until February 28, 2018. Hope you will check it out! The site is at:

24 April: 8pm onwards: Jennifer K Dick will be the featured reader at Spoken Word Paris. The theme of the night will be "URBANISM" as I plan to share some of the writings I did during my Régionale 17 residency, and some I have composed since then. I hope you, too, will come share some of your work!

25 April: 7:30pm Hosting Ivy Writers Paris bilingual reading with Jeff Greene, Sereine Berlottier and Rebecca Dolinsky at Delaville Café, 34 bvd bonne nouvelle 75010, M° Bonne Nouvelle.

23 May 2017 at 7:30pm Hosting Ivy Writers Paris bilingual reading with Lyn Emmanuel + translations by Simone Manceau, and Christophe Mannon in French at Delaville Café, 34 bvd bonne nouvelle 75010, M° Bonne Nouvelle.
1 juin 2017: 16h-18h I will be participating in the 57ème congrès de la SAES in the Poets and Poetry atelier n° 13, speaking about the legacy of Theresa Hak Kyung Cha's works:
organized by Penelope Galey and Sara Greaves. 4 Talks: Suhasini Vincent (Université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas) The Postmodern Reconfiguring of the Old in the New in Suniti Namjoshi’s Feminist Fables, Bastien Goursaud (Université 4 Paris-Sorbonne) Reconstruire le connu : sur les sonnets de Don Paterson, Héloïse Thomas-Cambonie (Université Bordeaux Montaigne) The Archive and the Self: Reconstructive Historiographies of Black Womanhood in Robin Coste Lewis’s poetry, Jennifer K. Dick (Université de Haute Alsace-Mulhouse) Legacy & Reconstruction(s): the multilingual, hybrid works of Theresa Hak Kyung Cha. Université de REIMS--sur le Campus Croix-Rouge, France.
10 juin 2017: 18h30 Jennifer K Dick participera à La Nuit Remue --La Nuit remue #11 se déroulera le 10 juin 2017 à partir de 18h30 La programmation, imaginée par Emmanuèle Jawad et Marie de Quatrebarbes, se tiendra aux frontières de la poésie, de la critique et de la théorie. Une soirée de lectures avec notamment Stéphane Bouquet, Benoît Casas, Frédérique Ildefonse, Hortense Gauthier, Philippe Jaffeux, Jennifer K. Dick, Emmanuel Laugier, Émilie Notéris, Vannina Maestri, Florence Pazzottu, Olivier Quintyn--à la Bibliothèque Marguerite Audoux, 10 rue Portefoin 75003 Paris .

B Heidsieck
12 juin 2017: 12h30-17h Dans le cadre des États Généraux de la Poésie, le séminaire FRESH POÉSIE est organisé par le CNEAI, les éditions LANSKINE et la revue SARRAZINE. Une quinzaine d’invités--dont Olivier Chaudenson, Maison de la Poésie, Séverine Daucourt-Fridriksson, Jennifer K. Dick, Pierre Drogi, Franck Doyen, Sereine Berlottier, Franck Smith,  Mathieu Brosseau, Stéphane Bouquet, Manuel Daull, Didier Bourda, Aziyadé Baudoin-Talec--évalueront des solutions pragmatiques et parfois réjouissantes à l’équation paradoxale suivante : Comment faire en sorte que la poésie s’expose et se disperse librement dans un contexte culturel et économique normalisé ? Ce qui nécessite d’introduire un second questionnement :  Comment prendre à revers le champ poétique pour sortir la pratique poétique de son isolement formel et disciplinaire ?  Et enfin, dans quel programme d’urgence inscrire la poésie ? expositions, festivals, coéditions internationales, résidences en réseaux, création de communautés autour de programmes éditoriaux, réseau des booktubeurs…Des places sont disponibles sur inscriptions et appel à contribution pour auditeurs et contributeurs. Organisateurs : Sylvie Boulanger, Catherine Tourné, Paul de Brancion. Au CNEAI de Pantin. Déjeuner sur place.
22 juin 2017 at 7:30pm Hosting Ivy Writers Paris bilingual reading with Charles Borkhuis and Sabine Macher in French at Delaville Café, 34 bvd bonne nouvelle 75010, M° Bonne Nouvelle.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

New Video now online of me reading "RADIAL" 
extract of a longer text, written during the Collectif 2: Documenta / Spaghetti Western trip to Tuscania last summer.
Filmed beautifully by Lisa Pasold in her casa, Paris, Dec 2016. 
Lisa Pasold, Canadian author, is doing a series of short films of her friends reading. This is the third in the series--do go check out the others as well: 
1) by American author Cecilia Woloc
2) by  Canadian author Megan Burns This text, along with others written as part of this project, will be published online soon with the Collectif's work.
