Tuesday, June 05, 2012

My story-poem BREACH is now deCLASSIFIED on FRINGE MAGAZINE issue 31

Nicolas de Staël
"The girl who is reading outside the window on the small terraced balcony in the hour or so after sunrise, wind a kind of fist pressed or pressing against her chest, turns a page..."

This is how my little story-poem BREACH begins. It has just appeared online in the magazine FRINGE. 

I love that I fall into the [de]Classified section of FRINGE MAGAZINE (Issue 31, Summer '12) and am excited to have this little prose piece BREACH out in the world. 

The sea, Antibes, places that one wants to go on a summer night, and the painting in the place of Nicolas de Staël, that leap, this other...  Hope you will enjoy!

The interesting feature of FRINGE is that each issue emerges over time, inviting the reader back and back again to discover the month or season's writing and art as it gets posted. For now, I am thrilled and very flattered to head up this new SUMMER issue along with artist Travis Champion. http://www.fringemagazine.org/issues/issue-31-summer-12/

But DO check back with FRINGE as MORE will appear in issue 31 in the days and weeks to come! Again: http://www.fringemagazine.org/ to read work by me and to see artwork by Travis Campion

If you get impatient for more, check out their back issues, including the SPRING issue 30
Le  fort  carré d'Antibes  (Nicolas  de Staël )

Saturday, June 02, 2012

It's Lexi-a go go!

Yes, my life is all things Lex-ICON (<--click to go to that blog). I am in fact totally EXCITED by this, even though I am worried that something will go wrong--the whole projector explodes and destroys a painting which catches on fire and we are all sprinting out of some university building only we can't get out because the doors are entirely locked and YES it IS a big old nightmare.

But no. It will go great. People will be happy. They will learn things. Love new art and writing. Write books and perhaps marry someone they meet at Lex-ICON. The conference will go on and on and never stop... or just be a conference like a lot of others? Hopefully that, at least.

But as you can all tell, I am in prep and press and please do not leave us alone in these spaces with this gorgeous work mode. After all, our art show will knock your socks off--even if I do not manage to hang and project everything ideally, it should be pretty great because the artists are--Gary Hill, Robert Cahen, Sarah Riggs, Alessandro De Francesco, Marc Thébault, Richard Meier and R-Diffusion and the project from the blog artists as well. And then some great opening talk will happen, emerging from the mind of Jacinto Lageira. This, to compound our pleasure will be followed by a projection and talk by Alessandro De Franceso then a reading of Michelle Naka Pierce's new book on Rothko and to close off our day there will be a curator round table before we go off to my favorite local modern art hangout, La Kunsthalle for LOCUS METROPOLE--La Kunsthalle where coolness oozes from the glass and cement walls, if not from the amazing people working there and running the show!

But as I am blogging like a maniac for Lex-ICON and having FUN as I discover the images--for example--of the authors who are the subject of the BD talks (Shaun Tan was a real eye awakener, and I also love the humor of Vincent Sardon). I also feel I have looked more closely at what Leila Brett is doing, and how, and am thrilled she will be talking about her work, her process, the making of the oeuvres you can find online by here and which I am sure simply tremble with their force when you are lucky enough to encounter them in person. SO, to share with you my bloggerorama postings, so that you, too, can begin to revel in all things Lex-ICON, here are the posts for each of the ateliers of the conference. I am posting from the afternoon of the 8th here through the 10th and will return and fill in the earlier posts once I get them up--likely be tomorrow. Enjoy, share, do some of that +1ing to help us feel loved, like us on facebook and twitter about us and then go read and watch some of the things people at our conference are talking about--as that is really the highest, the true praise--when you love the topic they have made you realize exists. An encounter takes place, beyond text and page...

LE 8 JUIN 2012

8 juin matin : atelier 1 rétrospectives

8 juin fin de matinée : atelier 2 le langage plastique 

8 juin début d’aprème : atelier 3 le livre dans tous ses états

8 juin fin d’aprème : La BD…

8 juin 18h15 Leila Brette présentation

8 juin la soirée performance de Jean-Pierre Bobillot :

LE 9 JUIN 2012 :
9 juin atelier 5 au matin: du mur au livre...

9 juin atelier 6 l’après midi: …le domaine numérique…

9 juin atelier 7 à la fin d'aprème : journaux et créations

9 juin La table ronde d'éditeurs

9 juin soirée STIMULATION à la Kunsthalle de Mulhouse

10 juin de 12-16h30 Lex-Balades en ville :

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