"Season Shift. Whisper White from passing overland. Beyond, the naked tree." (journal, after afternoon walk in fall, 2004, Tree from La Napoule.)

L'AMOUR, CHEZ ELLE, EST SANS CONTOURS...LE JEUX MERVEILLEUX ET INULTILE... passion of Lichetenstein in Paris, yes, 50's encapsulated women pedestal-heads and chairs in the blue light, "Je savais bien que j'étais une fille et que je n'allais certes pas me transformer en homme, mais des choses restaient floues.." accompanied in this journal by a series of quotes heard during the Clermont-Ferrant conference 'Voi(e)x des Autres' on women's poetry (XIXe-XXIe centuries) such as this morceau by Maryline Desbiolles, or the other in blue here by Patrizia Cavalli. Stamps from the USA & Italia, small snippet also from a painting by Bernard Buffet, a bit of a door top right. Other colors by me, closure for another journal, another series of scraps of yet another life...

ARTICULATION OF SHADOW, body in pieces, the head of a dress a red maiden...a headless dress is :
Why waste a good visit to the Pompidou? This is a draft for a poem scribbled on one of my visits last summer (2007) to see the wonderful Les Messagers show, a retrospective of works by Annette Messager, pictured at the left by one of her series that (for me!) evokes masks, dreams, nightmares, bats...
FIONA Shaw in Deborah Warner's production at Chaillot of Samuel Beckett's "Oh Les Beaux Jours" in Sept 2007

("The body stuck in the mobile, the perhaps future we all live or could if not so") Collage & detail of collage using the show's program, my ticket to show, ("In the root system of a self to keep to be") journal pages of my words on the show, ("About age? Time? Time in slo-mo in a stop-time place of abandonnment.") scribblings over materials ("in a 'Willie!' echo of a past") with pens, white out, & colored markers (in the setting the rubble piece echo of a war-torn London sort of beach resort too grottoed).