It never stops, the flow of words seeping under the cracks of the door, books, chapbooks, periodicals of friends, acquaintances, authors I admire or just had the luck of meeting! But here is a journal I am just thrilled to be in myself. I admire the feel of it, the lovely
artwork by Louisa Conrad, and the afternoons it has provided me with excellent reading:
Cutbank 67 (order a copy online, submit for their next issue and do subscribe via
Besides a few poems of my own from the forthcoming eBook chapbook at
Enclosures, you can find:
Fiction by Danielle Dutton, Charles McLeod, Edan Lepucki, Leslie Jamison, Matthew Ira Swaye, and Daniel Mueller,
Poetry by Patricia Goedicke, Sarah Gridley, Erin M. Bertram, Seth Abramson, Robb St. Lawrence, Sandra Miller, Jennifer Pilch, Morgan Lucas Schuldt, Nathan Hoks, Brent Armendinger, Kismet Al-Hussaini, Carey McHugh, Hanna Andrews, William S. Barnes, Karyna McGlynn, Matt Shears--a poet I was thrilled to be introduced to the work of in this issue!!!-- and Julie Doxsee. There's also
an Interview by Jane St John with fiction author Aimee Bender.
SECONDLY: CLAUDE ROYET-JOURNOUDI was delighted to find, on this grey Wednesday in Paris, a bright yellow-covered book which had arrived from sunny Marseille: Go and pick up a copy NOW! It is
Claude ROYET-JOURNOUD's newest collection entitled
La Poésie Entière est Préposition, Eric Pesty Editeur, Marseille, 12euros. I'm certain you can get copies from Michele Ignazi bookstore, rue de Jouy in the 4e Paris, or order directly from the publisher via
http://www.ericpestyediteur.com/ Please note, this is a
PARTNER PIECE to the book by Claude Royet-Journoud coming out with
P.O.L. in early November, entitled:
Théorie des Prépositions.