Sunday, May 09, 2010

Lundi-Mardi-Mercredi: TRANSLATION is in the air...

I hope you can all come out for this event Steph and I have co-organized. Really, there is a little something for everyone at it!!!!

"La traduction /la transmissibilité et la communication transculturelle dans les sciences sociales": deux journées d'études à la FMSH et à l'EHESS Paris, France, les 10-11 mai 2010

Monday: opening séance, then ateliers all day ending with a lovely reading and drink moment with Elmar Schenkel.

Tues: ateliers all day long, then closing round table discussion. See the programme for Monday and Tuesday online at our blog:

Weds: Celebrate translation in literature with IVY Writers: Multilingual performances and bilingual readings will punctuate this evening which is to celebrate language, sound, poetry, connections. Please join authors Pierre Joris (American, who has written more than 40 books), Christophe Ippolito (American translator of books by Lebanese author Nadia Tuéni), Christophe Marchand-Kiss (French author and translator of numerous anglophone and other writers), Mark Goldstein (Canadian publisher, author and translator of Celan and Rilke), Susanna Sulic (Argentinian author and performing artist), as well as three rising stars in poetry and translation from Canada: Angela Carr, Bronwyn Haslam and Oana Avasilichioaei. AT: Le Next, 17 rue Tiquetonne, 75002 Paris (M° Etienne Marcel)

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