Friday, June 07, 2019

ECRIRE L'ART le livre...Dossier des ouvrages exécutés

Finalement, après 10ans de rencontres à la Kunsthalle Mulhouse centre d'art contemporaine, on va fêter cela avec notre LIVRE Dossier des ouvrages exécutés, Ecrire l'Art avec un avant-propos par Sandrine Wymann et moi-même. So, after 10 years of organizing mini residencies for French authors, plus an Italian and a Lebanese author as well, we are proud to be seeing the culmination of the work in a book that is meant to trace the experiences we shared. There will be many events for this in French in France in the fall, and you can also order a copy via les presses du réel distribution hub starting in Sept 2019. But here is a sneak peek at the cover, by the amazing graphic artist who worked on this project, extending the collaborations into yet another realm, that of book making. Jérôme Saint-Loubert Bié

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